People & Skills
Under 30s panel on Entering Food and Farming
MDS Ltd, a leadership training program for the food and agricultural sectors, and Women in Food and Farming (WIFF), a supportive network for women in the industry, are hosting a panel on young women's experiences in food and agriculture. Featuring MDS trainees and alumni, the discussion highlights opportunities and challenges in the sector.
Surveying future skills and training needs in Agritech, Richard Napier, Warwick University School of Life Sciences
Agriculture and horticulture are becoming ever more automated. Does this mean farmers and growers can sit back and rely on smartphone apps, AI and robotics in the future? What skills and training will smart farmers and smart growers need to be successful? I will report on some preliminary survey findings and offer a viewpoint for discussion
Farming Community Network Panel - Assessing well-being impact of Harvest '24 and how to prepare for the future