Cgrain is used to assess Grain quality by analysing single kernels. With a unique mirror design, Cgrain is able to view at least 90% of the surface of each kernel, making it an accurate way to determine any defects.
Cgrain can detect a wide variety of quality defects, such as foreign grain, weed seeds, other material, broken kernels, green kernels, small or thin kernels, pink (fusarium-affected) barley and ergot. Cgrain can also measure a number of quality related measurements including size and colour, and it can be used for determining sieving (screenings) and thousand kernel weight (TKW).
The manual method for analysing grain quality with visual defects is subjective, labour intensive as well as strenuous for neck, shoulders and wrists. Cgrain offers an objective solution, its easy to use and reduces the need for manual labour.
Results produced can be quickly and easily reported by connecting the instrument to the internal computer system, printers, etc. Pictures can be saved for future reference or to track a product’s quality, by saving the results in a database, it is possible to keep and analyse statistics on grain quality, colour and size distribution.
What does it test?
- Wheat
- Barley
- Oats
- Rye
What does it test for?
- Foreign grain
- Weeds
- Other material
- Broken kernels
- Green kernels
- Pink (fusarium affected) barley
- Ergot
- Sieving analysis
Features and Benefits:
- Unique 3 view mirror covers more than 90% of the surface, meaning higher detection of defects.
- More ergonomically friendly in comparison to traditional methods.
- Objective digital analysis rather than the longer manual subjective process.
- Simple and quick to operate, simply pour sample, press start, collect sample once finished.
- Data and images can be saved which can assist with staff training or defect comparisons.