BioZest Technical Information
BioZest contains a mixture of bioactive compounds and minerals principally from renewable and sustainable natural resources, qualifying for Organic status in most markets. It contains 7 principal amino acids, along with a further 11 amino acids, betaines, other organic acids and natural plant hormones (auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins).
BioZest includes additional ingredients shown to boost photosynthetic performance & efficiency.
Together the constituents aid uptake and redistribution of nutrients within the plant, improve drought resistance, promote root initiation and growth stimulation.
Benefits of BioZest:
- Rate for rate more powerful than any alternative tested to date
- Improves resistance to heat, cold and drought stresses
- Increases early rooting
- Improves photosynthetic performance
- Increases in photosynthetic area as well as leaf and shoot growth
- Stronger plants – slows disease ingress and progression
- Increases in plant carbohydrate production and sugar content in treated crops
BioZest can be used on all crops that require a boost to growth and health. They have no statutory harvest interval or maximum dosage limit.
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