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Adam White

Adam White

Head of Agriculture, Barclays Business

Adam White is the Head of Agriculture for Barclays Business. Responsible for a team of dedicated Agriculture and Landed Estates managers across the UK, who support farming and land based businesses through a range of projects such as diversification, sustainability and growth.

He studied at the University of Greenwich, followed by an MBA at the University of Lincoln and a qualification in Sustainable Finance at the University of Cambridge. Adam is also a Member of the Institute of Agricultural Management and the Royal Agricultural Society of England.

He currently serves as a trustee of the East Anglia Agricultural Society supporting with industry engagement and growth for the next generation alongside showcasing UK Agriculture and food systems across urban areas and within schools.

Session title:

Finance in a changing agricultural world

About this session: 

The changes in farm structures and practices means that we are seeing more plans that are innovative. As a farmer how do you plan to finance these and how can bank finance support

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