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David Boulton

David Boulton

AICC council director and AICC trials committee member, AICC

Midlands based agronomist with Indigro, advising mainly on combinable crops as well as maize, sugar beet and potatoes, with specialism in the technical aspect of agronomy and crop protection. I am a Association of Independent Crop Consultants (AICC) council director and trials committee member.

The AICC run a national series of independent field trials that are principally involved in testing and comparing the performance of current and near market agrochemicals as well as comparing plant nutrition approaches and crop varieties. Indigro is an agricultural consultancy business based around a team of highly knowledgeable and motivated independent agronomists. We offer broad, holistic, crop and soil management advice – ranging from cultivations and crop establishment to nutrient management and regulatory advice.

We conduct our own trials and research analysis to ensure our clients receive the most up to date information. All agronomists are members of the AICC, and as such, have no alliance to any manufacturer or distributor ensuring all our advice is as objective as it is reliable.

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