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18 Nov 2020

Added Value Crops for Spring 2020

According to a recent survey, 42% of growers said that they grow spring break crops for the contribution that they can make to the rotation. The survey conducted by Arable Farming / FGinsight for Premium Crops also showed that over half of the spring linseed growers said that they grow the crop to benefit the rotation, whether that be; weed (especially blackgrass) control; to reduce or avoid pests; or, simply to provide an ideal entry to a following wheat crop.

Many of the crops in Premium Crops portfolio on display at Croptec 2020 are spring sown break crops that will indeed make a contribution to any arable rotation;

Spring Linseed - Offers a later sowing date (mid-March to mid-April) that allows for management of weeds such as blackgrass, through a stale seed bed technique. Once established, spring linseed requires relatively low inputs and, through the choice of early maturing varieties, will provide an excellent soil structure, fewer slugs and plenty of time to sow a following wheat crop.

Prices for spring linseed are looking good too! Contracts are based on the linseed price at time of movement backed by a minimum value guarantee of £350 per tonne, and current values are well in excess of £375 per tonne. Add to that a £20 guaranteed oil bonus for the ultra-high omega-3 varieties and values of £400 per tonne or more are possible.

With low input costs and yields around 2.4mt/ha, a gross margin of over £500 per hectare is very realistic.

Canary Seed Grown for the birdseed market, canary seed is increasingly popular with growers because of its short growing season (later sown : earlier harvest), very low input requirements and yields frequently in excess of 2.5 tonne per hectare.

With prices around £385 per tonne and low input costs Canary Seed gross margins are around £500 per hectare, very similar to those offered by spring linseed and well above those of spring peas or beans.

Semi -Break Crops

Not quite a complete change from cereals in the rotation, semi-break crops can contribute by being different enough to allow a disease or pest break, or by virtue of their different nutrient requirements and root development.

Naked Oats Grown for specific animal feed markets, yields are lower than conventional oats but prices are considerably higher

Red Wheat Grown for their very high protein content, red wheats are later sown that conventional spring wheat and offer significantly higher contract values.

All Premium Crops contracts are supported by our full time agronomists, regular crop bulletins and professional logistics team.

Visit us at CropTec 2020 to find out more.

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