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15 Sep 2021

Why is nutrient use efficiency important?

Why is nutrientuseefficiencyimportant?


Improve nutrient use efficiencyforoptimalyields

Making the most out of crop nutrition,and producing more food with less inputs,is the major challenge facing UK farmers over the next decade.

Increasingly, farmers will need to focus on making the most efficient use of nutrients for both arable and grassland production. This means ensuring crops have an adequate supply of all the nutrients they need that are essential tooptimiseyields.

All essential nutrients are needed

Liebigs law of the minimum dictates that the yield of plants is not dictated by the total resources available, but by the scarcest one.Inadequate supplies of any single nutrient can result in plants being unable to properlyutiliseothers that are in adequate supplyand thisemphasisesthe importance of regular soil testing.


Efficient nutrient use brings the benefits of improved crop yield and quality and reduces the risk of losing nutrients through leaching or gaseous emissions, and importantly will reduce annual fertiliser bills.

Prolonged release of nutrients

Applications of ICLsPolysulphatebased products will supply essentialnutrientsover a prolonged period of time 50 days on average. Plants have more opportunity to take up available nutrients available and less are wasted.Polysulphate, which contains 48% SO3, 14% K2O, 6% MgO and 17%CaOall in a sulphate form, can be applied as a straight fertiliser or be incorporated into an autumnprogramme.

Trials show 28% increase in nitrogen uptake

In trials, conducted in 2020/21 on winter barley, an application of 100 kg/ha ofPolysulphateresulted in a 28% increase in nitrogen uptake by the crops and a 41% increase in phosphate too. This represents a significant increase in the efficiency use for all key elements during the autumn period.

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