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17 Jun 2020

Online grain marketing platform launches for insights and marketing advice

Online grain marketing platform launches for insights and marketing advice

By CRM AgriCommodities

Instant access to large volumes of information has ironically made grain marketing decision making harder and farmers are none the wiser as to what they should be doing, but there is now a solution.

That is according to grain market disruptors CRM AgriCommodities, who have launched Graintab (, a new online platform for farmers looking to manage growing price volatility, backed by the data and robust analysis CRM Agri provide.

CRM AgriCommodities founder James Bolesworth says: The average UK wheat price variation is 46% compared with just 7% for yield, and more farmers are realising that if they can manage both effectively, then it is only going to help them and their businesses during a period of change, uncertainty and great opportunities.

Graintab is an advisory service supported by digital tools that will empower farmers and help them navigate these increasingly volatile markets, meaning that decisions can be made whether you are in the farm office or out spraying.

There is tonnes of information out there; Graintab is designed to focus on what is important for UK businesses and most importantly what they should do about it, through market reports, SMS alerts and video updates.

The new Graintab online subscriber platform will equip farmers with the opportunity to access clear and dedicated trading recommendations, completely independent opinions and insights, transparent ex-farm prices and an education element to upskill all business managers, all supported by CRM Agris clear results, says Mr Bolesworth.

Members have access directly to analysts and advisors and access to supporting grain marketing courses - with the addition of the online platform to support clear and time-sensitive decisions.

Our analysis and insights set out a clear picture of the market, which, coupled with straightforward market opinions and actionable strategies allow businesses buying and selling grains and oilseeds to make better informed decisions without hesitation. We are confident that the launch of Graintab will give farmers even more autonomy to take control of their income in volatile markets, says Mr Bolesworth.

[Case study: P R Wormell Farms, Colchester, Essex

P R Wormell Farms, a 600-hectare combinable crops enterprise near Colchester, Essex, has subscribed to CRM AgriCommodities strategies since 2016.

Dan Wormell says: With just myself, one full time farm worker and one harvest worker, I dont really have much time to be in the office; so knowing that CRM Agri Commodities is watching markets and constantly analysing the situation takes some of the pressure away. A phone call from my advisor to say yes, nows a good time to sell another 15%, means I can focus on other tasks knowing that side of things is taken care of as much as it can be.

CRM Agri Commodities independence is absolutely crucial in my mind. I need to be able to fully rely on the advice I take from them and that there isnt a vested interest behind it. Paying the annual subscription means that there is only one upfront fee, which helps with managing cashflow and budgets.

Without CRM Agri I wouldnt have been able to confidently apply the strategy we now have in place, which is working very well for our business. The way that James has listened to some of my more progressive ideas and been able to adapt these into a workable plan for our business is impressive. Through this, CRM Agri has affected all areas of our business really because we have taken a different approach to risk, volatility and efficiency across the enterprise, in which they play a big part.

James says: Our analysis and insights set out a clear picture of the market, which, coupled with straightforward market opinions and actionable strategies allow businesses buying and selling grains and oilseeds to make better informed decisions without hesitation. We are confident that the launch of Graintab will give farmers even more autonomy to take control of their income in volatile markets.

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