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The Exhibitor Blog

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  • Beet tradition meets technology

    09 Jun 2022 Ashleigh Parkinson
  • Joined up thinking for roots

    09 Jun 2022 Ashleigh Parkinson
  • Keeping aphid enemies in sight

    09 Jun 2022 Ashleigh Parkinson
  • Identifying virus strains

    08 Jun 2022 Ashleigh Parkinson
  • Reducing crop stress with silicon

    08 Jun 2022 Ashleigh Parkinson
  • Getting oilseed rape back on track

    08 Jun 2022 Ashleigh Parkinson
  • RL trial provides unexpected clubroot test

    08 Jun 2022 Ashleigh Parkinson
  • Learning to live with flea beetle

    08 Jun 2022 Ashleigh Parkinson
